Monday, December 17, 2012

What is a noun?

This lesson is focused on teaching the children what a noun is. The purpose of this lesson plan is for students will be able to identify what is a noun is. They will follow oral directions and understand the use of a chart. The materials needed for this lesson is noun chart (separated by person, place, and thing) worksheet with sentences, pencil, Schoolhouse Rock CD- “A Noun is a Person, Place, or Thing”

Tell the class that we going to find out what is person place or thing. Ask, “Does anyone know what is a person place or thing is?!” If no one can answer the question I tell them it is called a noun. Then I will play the song “a noun is a person, place or thing” from the schoolhouse rock CD. After the song is over I will ask some of the students to tell me a noun they can think of. I will then write them up on the board. Once I get about seven or eight nouns on the board I will ask them to tell me if the noun is a person, place, or thing. Pass out the worksheets to all the students and explain to them that one worksheet is a list of sentences and one worksheet is a chart in categories: person, place, and thing. Tell the students to first take the worksheet with the sentences on it and ask then to circle all the nouns in all the sentences. Then tell them to take all the nouns that they circled and put each one into one category person, place, or thing on the chart worksheet. They are going to need assistance to encourage them to work with other student and to ask you for help if they did it. When the students are done with both worksheet go over it out loud with them as a class.

To assess the children I would see if the children have the ability to comprehend the directions given and complete the worksheets. This is show mastery of identifying what a noun is, following oral directions correctly, and the use of a chart with categories.

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, 
it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” -Albert Einstein

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