Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sink or Float

This is a fun science activity for children to learns about things that will sink and things that will float. Students will be able To make and test predictions about sinking and floating. To classify objects according to whether they sink or float. Recognize that every object exerts a gravitational force on every other object, and that the force depends on how much mass the objects have and how far apart they are. Share experiences and express ideas. Participate in conversations with peers and adults. Listen fully to understand instructions or hear daily messages.

The materials that are needed for this experimental activity are 5 large bowls with water in them, worksheet with a chart on it, 26 objects: empty water bottle, a full soda can, cork top, penny, nickel, a marble, seashell, tennis ball, golf ball, a paperclip, a pencil, a pen, a crayon, small twig, a sticky ball, safety pin, glow stick, a bouncy ball, packing peanuts, the top of a flower, small rock, rubber ducky, an apple, a rubber band, soda bottle cap, and a pencil eraser.

First I will explain what floating and sinking are. Then I will show the class the a youtube video about sinking and floating. The video is pretty much what exactly the experience we will do in class. I will give them the directions on what they are going to be doing. They will be picking five objects from the box as a group then go back to their tables and wait for the worksheet the y will then have to make a hypothesis if their objects will sink or float. They will record this information onto their chart worksheet. After the direction I will have all each group one at a time go up to the box and choose five different objects. The tub of water will already be set up at each of their table and ready to go. They will then wait until everyone is back at their table to start their experiments. After everyone is done trying out each of their objects we will regroup on the rug. They will bring their worksheet and each group will take turns getting up in front of their classmate and explain to them what they observed. After everyone has got in front of the class I will take one of the tubs and all of the objects and show all the children if they float or sink.

(If you have an issue viewing video here is link to youtube for it.

Then to assess the student’s mastery would be observing the students to see if they can follow all the directions that were given to them verbally. Also if the children can make an educated guess on weather or not the object will sink. In addition the teacher will observe if the children can work together in groups productively.  The teacher will observe if the children understand and can comprehend what kind of object float and what kind of objects sink.

"The important thing in science is not so much to obtain new facts as to discover new
ways of thinking about them. " ~William Lawrence Bragg

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